
First Name





Herbal medicine enthusiast, natural healing advocate & consultant, formulator of natural, topical products which reduce people’s chronic pain & heal their physical wounds. Learning more & more regarding quantum healing via experimenting on myself & anyone who is willing. It’s a very exciting, truly mind-blowing field.

Community member who cares about educating others in many different natural healing modalities. I am also happy to be helping community members searching for their own personal healing, in whatever way resonates with them.

Happy to see others let their freak-flags fly in whatever way makes them feel happy & fulfilled 🙂  Huge advocate of being who we truly are, our authentic selves, free of fear of judgement, and of being accepting & inclusive of others. We must learn to stand in our personal power, in love & compassion for ourselves & others, and in a willingness to assist others who may not be able to help themselves, for whatever reason. Love rules all, regardless of skin color, personal past, politics, religious choices, personal choices. Love is the only way forward.

Feel free to get in touch if you or someone you know needs advice with healing. Countless options exist.

Many blessings to all 🙂

What Quadra Island Means to Me

Quadra itself, the land, holds a great deal of healing energy for those open to accessing & utilizing it. Very powerful stuff.

I am also very grateful for the people I have met here since relocating, many of whom have become good, supportive friends. Much love to you all 🙂